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Англо-русский строительный словарь - steam


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Перевод с английского языка steam на русский

пар dry steam dry saturated steam exhaust steam flash steam live steam saturated steam superheated steam waste steam wet steam
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  1) варить на пару 2) двигаться при помощи пара 3) запаривать 4) конденсационный 5) напаривать 6) напарить 7) пар 8) паровой 9) паровыпускный 10) парогенерирующий 11) паропромывочный 12) пароструйный 13) пропаривать 14) стерилизацинный 15) струйковый back-pressure steam engine — паровая машина с противодавлением blow with steam — продувать паром compound steam engine — паровая машина компаунд conventional steam superheater — машиностр. пароперегреватель огневой cyclone steam separator — циклонный паросепаратор gas and steam turbine installation — машиностр. установка турбинная газо-паровая gland steam condensate — уплотнительный конденсат heating steam extraction — отбор пара для отопления hot-air steam vulcanization — паровоздушная вулканизация industrial steam reheater — промпароперегреватель main steam gate — физ. задвижка паровая главная perforated steam sprayer — барботер для пара process steam extraction — технологический отбор пара steam consumption diagram — характеристика турбины steam curing of concrete — пропаривание бетона steam cylinder oil — энерг. вапор steam locomotive traction — паровозная тяга steam nozzle of an injector — паровой конус инжектора steam power plant — тепловая электростанция steam space duty — нагрузка парового объема steam space of boiler — паровое пространство котла steam unit heater — паровой отопительный...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  пар; стерилизовать паром – flowing steam ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. (водяной) пар steam generator —- парогенератор steam inhalation —- вдыхание паров, ингаляция dry steam —- сухой пар saturated steam —- насыщенный пар at full steam —- на полных парах to blow (to shut, to turn) off steam —- спустить пары; дать выход своим чувствам или избытку энергии to get up steam —- развести пары; собраться с силами, набраться решимости to put on steam —- поддать пару; поторапливаться, прибавить шагу windows covered with steam —- запотевшие окна 2. пароход, паровое судно to travel by steam —- путешествовать пароходом 3. разг. энергия under one's own steam —- собственными силами, без посторонней помощи to put new steam into smth. —- влить новые силы во что-л. to keep up a little steam in local industry —- поддерживать хоть какую-то жизнь в местной промышленности to run out of steam —- устать, измотаться; быть совершенно без сил there is a danger of the housing programme running out of steam —- есть опасность, что программа жилищного строительства выдохнется (сойдет на нет) full steam ahead! —- вперед на всех парах!, полный ход вперед! 4. паровой steam heating —- паровое отопление steam cooking —- варка на пару 5. устаревший, допотопный steam radio —- старомодное радио (в отличие от телевидения) 6. выделять пар или испарения his wet clothes began to steam —- от его мокрой одежды повалил пар 7. двигаться...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) пар; live (saturated, wet) steam - острый (насыщенный, влажный) пар; full steam ahead! - вперед на всех парах!; to get up steam - развести пары; fig. собраться с силами; развить энергию; to let/blow off steam - выпустить пары; fig. дать выход своим чувствам; to put on steam - подбавить пару; fig. поторапливаться  2) испарение  3) coll. энтузиазм; энергия  2. adj. паровой  3. v.  1) выпускать пар  2) подниматься в виде пара  3) двигаться посредством пара; идти под парами  4) coll. развивать большую энергию, жарить  5) варить на пару  6) запотевать, отпотевать (тж. steam over/up); The windows have steamed over, and I cant see out.  7) подвергать действию пара; парить; выпаривать; to steam open - отклеивать с помощью пара - steam away - steam up Syn: see boil STEAM away выкипать STEAM dome сухопарник STEAM iron noun паровой утюг STEAM up сердить, волновать; Theres no need to get steamed up about such a little remark. STEAM table мармит (подогревательный шкаф в столовых, ресторанах) STEAM shovel паровой экскаватор ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) пар (водяной) обрабатывать паром; пропаривать 2) отгонять с паром 3) варить на пару; бланшировать паром to bleed steam — отбирать пар - atmospheric steam - blanket steam - bled steam - bottom steam - dead steam - direct steam - dry steam - dump steam - exhaust steam - extracted steam - geothermal steam - heating steam - live steam - moist steam - motive steam - noncontaminated steam - open steam - prime steam - process steam - saturated steam - separated steam - still steam - stripping steam - superheated steam - throttle steam - vented steam - washed steam - water steam - wet steam - working steam ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a the gas into which water is changed by boiling, used as a source of power by virtue of its expansion of volume. b a mist of liquid particles of water produced by the condensation of this gas. 2 any similar vapour. 3 a energy or power provided by a steam engine or other machine. b colloq. power or energy generally. --v. 1 tr. a cook (food) in steam. b soften or make pliable (timber etc.) or otherwise treat with steam. 2 intr. give off steam or other vapour, esp. visibly. 3 intr. a move under steam power (the ship steamed down the river). b (foll. by ahead, away, etc.) colloq. proceed or travel fast or with vigour. 4 tr. & intr. (usu. foll. by up) a cover or become covered with condensed steam. b (as steamed up adj.) colloq. angry or excited. 5 tr. (foll. by open etc.) apply steam to the gum of (a sealed envelope) to get it open. Phrases and idioms get up steam 1 generate enough power to work a steam engine. 2 work oneself into an energetic or angry state. let off steam relieve one's pent up feelings or energy. run out of steam lose one's impetus or energy. steam age the era when trains were drawn by steam locomotives. steam bath a room etc. filled with steam for bathing in. steam boiler a vessel (in a steam engine etc.) in which water is boiled to generate steam. steam engine 1 an engine which uses the expansion or rapid condensation of steam to generate power. 2 a locomotive powered by this. steam gauge a pressure gauge attached to a steam boiler. steam hammer a forging-hammer powered by steam. steam-heat the warmth given out by steam-heated radiators etc. steam iron an electric iron that emits steam from its flat surface, to improve its pressing ability. steam-jacket a casing for steam round a cylinder, for heating its contents. steam organ a fairground pipe-organ driven by a steam engine and played by means of a keyboard or a system of punched cards. steam power the force of steam applied to machinery etc. steam shovel an excavator powered by steam. steam-tight impervious to steam. steam train a train...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English stem, from Old English steam; akin to Dutch stoom ~  Date: before 12th century  1. a vapor arising from a heated substance  2.  a. the invisible vapor into which water is converted when heated to the boiling point  b. the mist formed by the condensation on cooling of water vapor  3.  a. water vapor kept under pressure so as to supply energy for heating, cooking, or mechanical work; also the power so generated  b. active force ; power, momentum got there under his own ~ sales began to pick up ~; also normal force at full ~  c. pent-up emotional tension needed to let off a little ~  4.  a. ~er 2a  b. travel by or a trip in a ~er  II. verb  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1. to give out as fumes ; exhale  2. to apply ~ to; especially to expose to the action of ~ (as for softening or cooking)  intransitive verb  1. to rise or pass off as vapor  2. to give off ~ or vapor  3.  a. to move or travel by the agency of ~  b. to move or proceed with energy or force  4. to be angry ; boil ~ing over the insult ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (steams, steaming, steamed) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Steam is the hot mist that forms when water boils. Steam vehicles and machines are operated using steam as a means of power. In an electric power plant the heat converts water into high-pressure steam. ...the invention of the steam engine. N-UNCOUNT 2. If something steams, it gives off steam. ...restaurants where coffee pots steamed on their burners. ...a basket of steaming bread rolls. VERB: V, V-ing 3. If you steam food or if it steams, you cook it in steam rather than in water. Steam the carrots until they are just beginning to be tender... Leave the vegetables to steam over the rice for the 20 minutes cooking time. ...steamed clams and broiled chicken. VERB: V n, V, V-ed 4. If something such as a plan or a project goes full steam ahead, it progresses quickly. The Government was determined to go full steam ahead with its privatisation programme... PHRASE: v PHR 5. If you let off steam, you get rid of your energy, anger, or strong emotions with physical activity or by behaving in a noisy or violent way. (INFORMAL) Regular exercise helps to combat unwanted stress and is a good way of relaxing or letting off steam. PHRASE: V inflects 6. If you run out of steam, you stop doing something because you have no more energy or enthusiasm left. (INFORMAL) I decided to paint the bathroom ceiling but ran out of steam halfway through. PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »GAS« the hot mist that water produces when it is boiled  (Be careful of the steam from the kettle.) 2 »MIST ON SURFACE« the mist that forms on windows, mirrors etc when warm wet air suddenly becomes cold 3 »POWER« power that is produced by boiling water to make steam, in order to make things work or move  (The engines are driven by steam. | steam engine/train etc (=an engine etc that works by the power produced by steam)) 4 let off steam to get rid of your anger or excitement in a way that does not harm anyone by doing something active  (PE is a good time for the kids to let off steam!) 5 run out of steam to no longer have the energy or the desire to continue doing something, especially because you are tired  (The home team began to run out of steam in the last quarter.) 6 get/pick up steam a) if an engine gets up steam, it gradually starts to go faster b) if plans, beliefs etc get up steam, they gradually become more important and more people become interested in them 7 under your own steam if you go somewhere under your own steam, you get there without help from anyone else  (I'll get to the restaurant under my own steam.) 8 go full steam ahead with to do something with as much energy and eagerness as possible 9 »RAILWAY« a railway system in which the trains use steam for power  (the age of steam) ~2 v 1 if something steams, steam rises from it, especially because it is hot  (a mug of steaming coffee) 2 to cook something in steam  (Steam the vegetables lightly.) 3 to travel somewhere in a boat or train that uses steam to produce power + into/from etc  (During the next two weeks, we steamed from port to port.) 4 be steamed AmE spoken to be very angry steam sth open/off phr v to use steam to open an envelope or to remove a stamp from an envelope steam up phr v to cover or become covered with steam  (steam sth up)  (The warm room steamed up my glasses.)  (- see also steamed­up) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  univ. abbr. Success Through Education And Motivation media abbr. Short Term Evangelism And Missions educ. abbr. Suzuki Talent Education Association Of Memphis educ. abbr. Seminar To Educate And Motivate ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. steam "vapor, fume," from P.Gmc. *staumaz. The verb is from O.E. stemen, stymen "to emit a scent or odor;" slang meaning "to make angry" is from 1922. Steamy in the sense of "erotic, sexy," is first recorded 1952. Steamboat is from 1787; steam-engine is from 1751; steamer is 1814 in the cookery sense, 1825 as "a vessel propelled by steam." Steam-roller is from 1866; as a verb, first recorded 1912. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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